Friday, May 30, 2008

Harvest of Strawberry 006 (苺ミルク)

This is last strawberry harvest.

Cheers God's gift with the strawberry milk juice!!!

But we could not get 50Kg weight harvest as the goal.

It was the same weight as last year.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our art gallery 036 (今日の玄関)

This is a strange plant.

A neighbor gave her it yesterday.

The neighbor does not know name of the plant.

Where is it from?

Anyway, It's strange!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monster Spider walking on ? (巨大蜘蛛、電線を歩く)

Oh -------------! What a biggest Spider is it!!
I had never seen such a Monster Spider.

This is a horizontal spider's web.

As I spray water on the web, the spider come to center of the web.

It seems that the spider is looking for a vic on the web.

But there is no vic on the web, just water mist.

So the spider will go back on the electrical cables.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weed 013(Houttuynia cordata)"Dokudami ドクダミ"

Houttuynia cordata in Chinese ground orchid

It's a kind of drug plant.

We pull these plant as weed usually.

Recently, she asked me to keep them.
She will be going to cook them.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today's works (今日も良く働きました!! Camellia)

I did cut down the Camellia, an American cherry and the Orange osmanthus.
The following photo is before cutting down the camellia.

After cutting down picture,
be easy to come through to letter box.

Today's the Shiromesugi "白芽杉"

There are a lot of new germs on the tree.

These germs are like some flowers.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Japanese quince with ?? (ボケと雪柳の枝落し)

This picture is today's Japanese quince and ?? plant in the morning.

Aye Yai knew the name of this plant.
The following picture is them in the after noon.

The name is Yuki Yanagi "雪柳"

Yuki "雪" means Snow, Yanagi "柳" means Willow.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Potato (ジャガイモ)

This is a test potato field.

Because I used a very tinny potatoes as seed tuber.

So I did not expect them to come up like this picture.

I am glad I can see the flowers of potato.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Cherry #1 (西のアメリカンチェリー)

I have worked hard today's early morning.

There are a lot of cut branches on the ground.

Now it's no heavy.

The tree had some flowers.

And there is no fruit on the tree. What a pity!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Eggs on Campsis grandiflora? (何の卵)

What's kind of eggs on the campsis in our garden?

I intend to observe them everyday.

What are ants doing here?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Harvest of Strawberry 005 (苺のタルト)

Today's amount of crop was over 1500g

It's new record in this year.

Strawberry tart which were made by AyeYai.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Japanease persimmon (実のならない柿)

These are flowers of the Japanese persimmon in our garden.

Last year, we never saw persimmon on the Japanese persimmon.

Now it's must be temporary residence of some Ama Gaeru.

I expect that we will be able to see persimmons and to eat them.

These purple flowers by the tree are Chinese ground orchid.
We can enjoy still them.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Harvest of Strawberry 004 (自家製苺のジャム)

Today's volume of taken the strawberry was 1148g.
And small strawberries accumulated more 1000g.
This is frozen strawberry of 1000g.

Adding 550g sugar in,

letting stand for 2 hours,

boiling for 1 hour,

adding lemon juice of a lemon,

cooling and getting 700g strawberry jam.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weed 012(名無しの権兵衛) "サンショウ横の花"

This weed is by Japanese pepper which means Sansho "サンショウ".

The Japanese pepper is under the sweet tea.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Weed 011 (名無しの権兵衛) "とっても小さな花" "蛙"

Can you find out a flower in the strawberry planter?

How about this one?

Now you can find out a very tiny flower.

But, I don't know name of the flower.

Oh!! You are still on here.
What are you doing here?

Why are you on the same as place yesterday?
It seems that you are not the same as frog which I saw yesterday.