Saturday, May 19, 2012

#032 Flower Cucumber (胡瓜 キュウリ Kyuri)

Male flower, photo on Nay 11, 2012

Female flower, photo on May 19, 2012
                                         The cucumber was planted on May 6, 2012.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

#029 Flower Chinese ground orchid (シラン Shiran)

                     Photo on May 5, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Good Job !!

たかしくん たいへん よくかけています。
おかあさん の えがお が やさしくかけてます。  That's wonderful!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

#027 Flower Weed (xxxxxxx)

Photo on May 04, 2012

Coming the harvest season of strawberry

                                          These are harvest of the day of yesterday.

                                         These are harvests three days ago,

Monday, May 07, 2012

Being in our garden #001 - #004

I found out four kind of insect on a flower in our garden yesterday.





Sunday, May 06, 2012

Planting Tomatos and Cucumber

 I bought two kind of seeding, one is mini tomato and cucumber yesterday.

This tomato will be a object of shooting for Ayeyai.

These cucumber will be object of shooting also.
After that, we will be eating them.

Strawberry's runners

These are picked the runners to date.
But I could not pick up any fruit for the hard Winter.


Seeding - 4 ( Tanemaki  種蒔 たねまき)

I seeded watermelon today.
It's the first experience to seed watermelon. I usually plant nursery plant of watermelon.

Friday, May 04, 2012

#026 Flower Weed (????? )

It's in our car parking area.

The typhoon blew over again

We had the grandsons at our home four days.
 We also had the boys one year ago also. The days were raining almost.
 But we went to the indoor pool two times this year.

 This picture took by his brother. He said canera shake at that time.
Now they are in their home in Tokyo. The typhoon leaved.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Tender Green of the Cherry

The cherry tree begins to have new green leaves like this.
I expect to get a lot of cherry next year.