Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

The first harvest in this year (Sprout)

The taste was very good, too sweet!

Japanese Inn (日本旅館)

We stayed at Japanese Inn in Kawarayu Onsen.
This is a typical Japanese Inn.
The dried persimmon is for every guest.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First experience ( Footbath 足湯 Ashiyu)

This is a source spring for a footbath.
The temperature is 74 degree C.
It's first experience to sit in the footbath for me.
I got satisfaction from the footbath.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Strange Festival (湯かけ祭り Yukakematsuri)

Yugawara Onsen had a Strange Festival yesterday.
We visited Kawarayu Onsen for the festival.
This is opening ceremony for the festival.
The player go to a shrine for playing before Yukake Matsuri.
Yukake means pouring hot spring on each one.
Matsuri means a Festival  in English.
Now starting, they have a tub of hot spring each one.
The festival is a heritage festival which continue for more 400 years.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lingering snow information for Travis

There is the snow on shadow area in our garden.
It's today's landscape.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday, January 06, 2013

The new year holiday has passed for our grandsons.

 The grandsons were enjoyed at our city on the new year holiday.
In the City Center Garden
 In Kezouji Park
We took then back to their home by the car today.
They are playing at their house now.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Kakizome in a mall

Some high school students held a Kakizome event at a mall in our city.
Our elder grandson tried the Kakizome in the event yesterday.
He wrote his first name ; た(Ta) か(Ka) し(Shi).
                                           He had good experience.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

In a ski slope

We spent the year-end and New Year holidays at a ski slope.