Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Western Blueberry (西側のブルーベリー)

There are two kind of Blueberry in our garden.

This is western blueberry which went by seven years in our garden.

But it's still small tree.
I heard that acid soil must be suitable to grow up for blueberry.

So I moved and laid down it in acid soil.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Preys (蜘蛛の餌食達)

When I tended strawberries.

I found out then in a spider's web.

They were struggling for cutting themselves free from the web.

They were desperate to be free. But they were not.

So I helped them instead of the price of the photo model.
But there are many spider's web in our garden,
so a lot of will be preys.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Harvest of Strawberry 001 (今年初の苺の収穫)

This photo is the first harvest of strawberries this year.

I wonder if we can achieve the goal which I established last year.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Harvest of Kakina (かき菜の収穫 011)

This is eleventh round of harvest.

These are growing to big leaves.

These poppy are growing by the holly.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our art gallery 035 (娘の作品)

The portrait of Jeanne d'Arc and the pencil drawing were created by our daughter in her high school age.

They are on the book rack as our arts.

We met her in Tokyo today.
It seemed that she is a little plump.

These are very little fruitages of the peach.

These are little fruitages of the American cherry also.
I and Aye yai hope that all of them will be happy.

Friday, April 25, 2008

New germ of SHIROME SUGI (白芽杉の新芽)

What is this?

Yes, It' s exactly SHIROME SUGI.

White germ means SHIROME (白芽) in Japanese.
The white germs are like flowers, but.

Japanese ceder means SUGI(杉) in Japanese.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chinese ground orchid (シラン)「紫蘭」

These Chinese ground orchids came from the father's garden of Aye Yai Yai.

Photo with flash

Photo without flash

These flowers are in same bed of flowers as Carolina Jasmine and Pansies.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Harvest of Kakina (かき菜の収穫 010)

The pictures show today7s harvest of Kakina.

Recently we can be enjoying these flowers.

And enjoying the taste of them.

She "Aye Yai Yai" cooked it using the Kakina this morning.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our art gallery 034 (今日の玄関)

Photo with morning sun

What a mysterious photo is it !!!

Photo with flash

This is her work.
The flower's name is a Japanese yellow rose.
She posted it on her blog.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Weed 008 (名無しの権兵衛) "Dandelion" 「再びタンポポ」

This dandelion is in auto parking front of our house.

This is a different kind dandelion which I posted before.

By the way, we have had the practice of the mixed chorus,
so I was tired a little bit.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Today's works (今日は良く働きました!! 柑橘類)

First of all, we did pull weeds in our garden.
And then I laid down the three eggplants.

And another thing, I planted two kind of citrus in the garden.

One is Jabara ”ジャバラ” , it's like Chinese lemon.

Another one is a new Orange, it named Setoka ”瀬戸香”.

I did branch lopping of Cleyera japonica, "SAKAKI", ”榊” again.

But she does not find out the branch lopping.

When she finds out that, she will anger me.

We started to work from am 7:00, and finished pm 4:00.
Our garden is receiving direct west sun.

By the way, we had a house painter, and paid 25,000 yen for painting.
The cost may be cheaper than going rate, I think.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weed 007 (名無しの権兵衛) "Poppy" 「ケシ」

Although this may be called Poppy, It's just weed.

Because no one plants seeds on our garden.

We didn't pull up them.

Friday, April 18, 2008