Now the area will be for strawberries.
I break soil, and them move and plant strawberries in the rest area.
It's not completion. I will do the work next week end.
I am Japanese and live here with my wife about 100 km away from Tokyo Japan. I would like to write off nothing out of ordinary at our house in English with some Japanese. As a matter of cause, I will attache some pictures with my words. 連合いと二人で生活している爺でござる。日常のたわいもない出来事と生活を写真と共に残したいと考えている。
I am growing strawberries, too! This is the first time that I have grown strawberries. I don't think I gave them enough space to grow. I think they are going to grow under the fence into my neighbor's yard!
Michelle san
How about next year?
Next year we will have many strawberries, and the neighbors will have strawberries, too!
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