It's artistic cutting, I said.
But my wife says you are crazy gardener.
I am Japanese and live here with my wife about 100 km away from Tokyo Japan. I would like to write off nothing out of ordinary at our house in English with some Japanese. As a matter of cause, I will attache some pictures with my words. 連合いと二人で生活している爺でござる。日常のたわいもない出来事と生活を写真と共に残したいと考えている。
youre wife is right, you are a crazy gardener. But crazy gardeners are the best. I enjoy following your blog.
Grea san
Thanks, but you must be a crazy gardener too!
Hero, why do you lop your trees? Is it to keep them small?
Michelle san
Yes, it's to keep them small. Because to lop high trees are very dangerous for old folks like me.
Young folks could not understand that, I think.
I don't like to fall from ladder.
If you lop the trees much smaller, they will be bonsais. :)
Despite Japanese, I forget the word.
What a suitable comment you have!
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