Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Somethig wrong?

This was my favorite height boots which I used in our garden.

But the boots have several fissures.

So I bought them today. Something wrong with the boots???

If you know what a wrong!
Yes, those are for left foot.
Of course I changed them into a pairs of boot soon.

Thank you for my favorite boots!,

and bye-bye!


Michelle Clay said...

You could plant some flowers in your old boots, like this! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TYnbO0hQZHM/SouuJsTDTLI/AAAAAAAADHo/ZBT_2M_BDdc/s1600-h/Recyclart+-+boot+flowers.jpg

hero爺 said...

It's great idea!
I will try that.