Sunday, April 24, 2011

Walk in this morning

We took a walk with our grandsons neighborhood area in this morning for about one hour .

The elder grandson was saying good morning to the red and yellow tulips .

The younger grandson was saying good morning to cows. He was sleeping on the walking.

They stayed at our house with their mother for ten days.And came back home with their parents this afternoon.Now our house is quiet like typhoon blow over.


Michelle Clay said...

Like a typhoon blew over. . . haha! What a perfect was to describe children!

And what cuties they are! :)

hero爺 said...

I think you may have a typhoon every day after one year.
But your typhoon must be small, amusing and happy one.

Two boys typhoon was very big one for us at one point.

Their mother is very terrible every day. But she looks enjoying the parental care of course.