Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Purple pyrenes of Japanese beautyberry

Japanese name "Murasakishikibu" is the name of the Japanese woman in 9th century, the author of The Tale of Genji. "Genji monogatari" 「源氏物語」

The Tale of Genji is very famous novel. But I don't read it.

The flowers are very tinny and pretty.

This is full picture.

1 comment:

Michelle Clay said...

Last year I was walking with my mother in the city of Providence, and we saw purple berries just like those. We were so surprised by the color! I did some research, and found out that the plant was called American beautyberry. It must be related to Japanese beautyberry.

I gave my mother three American beautyberry bushes for her birthday.

I have not read The Tale of Genji either, but I have heard of it.