Sampler of sliced raw fishes, left sliced is tuna and another is Japanese amberjack.
Boiled filed mustard with chips of tried bonito
Anglerfish hot pot
Sampler of Temperas, sweet potato, pumpkin, eggplant, squid, shrimp, onion and butterbur sprout
I am Japanese and live here with my wife about 100 km away from Tokyo Japan. I would like to write off nothing out of ordinary at our house in English with some Japanese. As a matter of cause, I will attache some pictures with my words. 連合いと二人で生活している爺でござる。日常のたわいもない出来事と生活を写真と共に残したいと考えている。
This all looks so delicious, especially the ramen and the fish samples and the tempura and well, all of it! yum!
we have traditional foods for new years too, everyone eats black eyed peas for good luck, and hog and cabbage, donuts,flambe and champangne
jj san
Thank you for your comment again,
but these dishes are not traditional foods for our new years.
These are typical foods of Japanese style pub. So you can eat then anytime at the pub.
We have traditional foods for new years as OSECHI RYORI.
The following URL will help you to understand OSECHI RYORI.
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