Saturday, February 02, 2008

Flute (フルート)

My wife and I, we bought this flute and a trumpet at the same time when our doughtier joined a brass band club as a new student in her junior high school. Why we bought the both instruments because she wanted to play a flute before joining the club. Unfortunately, she had to play assigned trumpet after all. So we gave her a chance to play the flute anytime and anywhere. But she enjoyed to play the trumpet in the club. And she had never played the flute.

So I tried to play it with a flute manual alone at that time.

Several months later, I could play very easy pieces and enjoy to play it with my wife's piano in our home. But I enjoyed to play it for just a couple years. And non one play it after that.

I will take this occasion to enjoy to play it. But now I must be a beginner.

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